Browse Articles By Tag: tv plasma
If you thought that a plasma screen only resided in your living room or bedroom then think again. This futuristic invention is seen practically everywhere.Take, for example, the boardroom. No longer is it the bored' room where presentations are somewhat dry. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
By now most people will have heard of the plasma screen and how it works. But there are some facts that may surprise you.For example, did you know that a plasma screen if showing a bright picture - perhaps a football match - will use more power than if you are...
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
One of the newest crazes to hit the television industry over the last ten years is plasma televisions. Commonly seen in sizes thirty-seven inches and larger, this type of television uses two noble gases - neon and xenon - that mixes together in small cells between two...
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Almost every major television manufacturer is jumping on the plasma television band wagon. With so many makes and models to choose from, the options available to the consumer can get confusing. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
When considering purchasing a brand new plasma television, there are a few things to consider before just walking in to the local electronics store and handing them your money.With these few things in mind, you should be able to make an informed decision about your...
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
In this age of the slim-line, digital televisions many consumers forget one important factor until it is too late. That is the size of the room that this superb new innovation is going to sit in. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
When going to your electronics store to purchase a new television set, consumers should be educated as to the difference between LCD (liquid crystal display) and plasma televisions.Each has their pros and cons, but both will give the consumer a phenomenal picture. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Although plasma screens were invented more than forty years ago it is only since 1999 that plasma televisions have been commonly available to the public. In the last few years prices have dropped dramatically by up to fifty per cent. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Flat panel TVs, better known as plasma display panels or (PDPS), are some of the most popular types of televisions around today.What makes them special is so very much and it is evident that they are in demand on the market. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
As the electronics industry has moved from CRT (cathode ray technology) televisions to the new plasma technology, we have all watched as our television pictures became clearer and crisper.Even though plasma technology isn't all that new, the application of it in our...
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Well, you have finally bit the bullet and decided that you simply must have a plasma TV. How much will you spend, and what can you expect for your money?Prices have dropped significantly over recent years but it is still a case of you get what you pay for'. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Plasma TV display technology is not only smart. It also clearly represents high-tech in its truest and finest form for video display as a rule.Televisions for the past seventy-five years came from the same technology that involves using cathode ray tubes. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
Flat panel display is the in-thing today for large televisions that are 37 inches in size. Flat panel display includes a growing number of several technologies that have nothing but advantages for those who want to truly appreciate them for all that they are. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
When you purchase a new plasma television, expect to have to do some work to get the best possible picture. Many of the factory settings will need to be adjusted in order to make sure you don't burn out the television too fast. (...)
26.05.2012 · From TheAuthor
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